Stu MacDonald bio photo

Stu MacDonald

Developer. Engineer. Hobbyist.

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Stu MacDonald's CV

Stu MacDonald's CV


  • Tarago AB - Founder and CEO

    Oct 2012 - present

    • • Security Software Consulting on site at Sony Mobile.
    • • Freelance development work.
  • Sony Mobile Communications - Senior Software Engineer

    Jun 2011 - present

    • • Developed an automated test framework in Ruby allowing automatic testing of complex scenarios on many configurations and phones.
    • • Examined security vulnerabilities and provided technical advice to management.
    • • Developed security tests for existing and new software.
    • • Contributed to the Android Open Source Project
    • • Developed an internal security tool and supported it's use within the company.
  • Schneider Electric - Embedded Software Engineer

    Apr 2011 - Jun 2011

    • • Developed a device driver for a PowerPC device to interface with a Microchip PIC.
    • • Developed a thread monitor for a Java application.
    • ( Discontinued the position as the commute was too long (>80 mins each way).)
  • ST-Ericsson - Development Engineer

    Mar 2008 - Mar 2011

    • • Responsible for the DRM module and other security modules.
    • • Developed an ISDB-T device driver.
    • • Supported the integration of the digital FM radio chip in the platform.
    • • Provided customer support in both USA and India.
  • Australian Defence Force - Troop Commander

    Jan 2006 - Oct 2007

    • • 2nd Cavalary Regiment, Darwin, Australia
    • • Support Squadron Operations and Troop Commander Workshops
  • Australian Defence Force - Graduate Student

    Aug 2003 - Dec 2005

    • • Australian Defence Force Graduate program.


    LLB, Law (Deakin University)

    2007 - 2015

    • Minimal workload - subjects completed include Contract, Torts, Property, Criminal and Commercial Law.

    Bachelor's Degree, Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Monash University)

    2001 - 2005

    • Awarded 1st prize for outstanding presentation of final year thesis ‘Visual Electronic Camouflage System’, which used image processing and pattern recognition to create active camouflages.

    Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science (Monash University)

    2001 - 2005

    • • Extensive use of C/C++.
    • • Focused on AI, Software Development Techniques and User Interface Design.
    • • Final year project involved using neural networks to filter spam email.